




The operational tools are characteristics of the activities that help guide and structure the design of a diverse range of engaging community activities. The tools address the pragmatic logistics and considerations of how, when, where and with whom each activity occurs through a set of characteristics. These characteristics will allow you to define the nature of the activity and ensure they align with your vision.  

  • Will the activity be organized beforehand, or will it be ad hoc? This could be a structured community event or an unadvertised community gathering. 

  • When will this activity occur? How often? The activity might be recurring, occurring every week or month, occurring sporadically, or only happening once.

  • How long will this activity last? Depending on the nature of the activity, it might take place over a single day (such as an open mic session), several months, or is continuously ongoing (for example, if you’re building a collective space).

  • What is the nature of participation? The activity may demand for higher levels of contribution (such as welcoming new members) or may require less invested effort (like planning a potluck).

  • Does the interaction happen in real-time (like most events), or can it happen independently (such as an exquisite corpse built over time)? There could also be a way to offer both means of participating.

  • Where will the activity take place? This involves thinking about who the activity aims to reach. The activity may be centralized in one location such as a local community kitchen or decentralized taking place in multiple locations.

  • Is the activity online or in-person? There may also be multiple avenues of participation, providing a space for both online and in-person.

  • Are there set guidelines and rules? Does the activity have a rigid structure or follow a set order? Or is it more casual, in progress, and unofficial? This may include a more formal event (such as a workshop) or an informal activity (such as a discussion group).