The Weaving Care playbook emerged from a collaboration between Carleton University's Urban Imaginaries Lab (School of Industrial Design) and Arlington Five (A5), a local cafe in Ottawa. The project focused on designing a way for A5 to become a place that supports a hands-on practice of hospitality and provides the conditions to take care of each other in the community. It also aimed to approach hospitality from a decolonial perspective and without any reliance on economic transactions (decommodified hospitality). Several stages of research were conducted with A5 and its community, beginning in March 2022, to better understand A5’s operations and current role within the community, the current context, and A5’s community. This was then followed by additional exploratory research to define key concepts, identify best cases, and envision possible futures.

Based on this research, the playbook was designed to support this vision and expand beyond A5 to allow others with community care-driven mindsets to contribute to strengthening a collective sense of community identity together. 

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